Contractors Requirements To Comply with COVID0-19 VACCINATION On Federal Jobs

Subject to the Executive Order 14042, Federal Workforce Task Force issued guidance for the federal contractors and their subcontractors requiring mandatory COVID-19 workplace safety protocols, including vaccinations.  

The Guidance requirements relating to the vaccination requires covered contractors to ensure all covered employees are vaccinated not later than December 8, 2021, or prior to the first day of performance on the covered newly awarded/extended/renewed federal contract.   There are limited exemptions, including the disability or religious accommodations to the covered contractor employees.   Lastly, those who previously contracted Covid-19 are not exempt for the requirement for vaccination. 

The Guidance applies to any new contracts, bids or solicitations, as well any exentions of the existing contracts related to the procurement contracts, contracts for services, as well as those contracts in connection with federal property or land.

The Guidance applies to the Prime Contractors and their subcontractors of any tier who must incorporate the clause into their lower-tier subcontracts.

It should be noted, the Guidance covered location includes the location of the contractor’s and subcontractor’s workplace and include outdoor work location. While employees’ personal residences are not included, if the employee is working from home on or in furtherance of a federal contract, the employee must meet the Order and guidance’s vaccination requirements.